Can Your Current Job Lead You to Your Dream Job?
April 4, 2018Finding work is not easy; finding a dream job is even harder. Your first job is not often the best – it may be a job that you do not like but you accept only to make contacts that can be useful afterwards.
We all have our own dream job. It’s something personal. The happiness of one does not make that of the other. That’s why the career passport is so important. If you are fortunate enough to have a job that fits what you are interested in, if you can work in a job you feel comfortable with or enjoy every day, and if you can develop yourself you hear it through your work, so you’ll be full of energy and passion.
A life full of jobs
Young people jumping from one job to another should not be negative. Each job brings you lots of useful experiences for your “career passport”. You learn each time. So do not ever go anywhere if the content of the function or the work environment does not suit you. Take what is useful to you, finish it and go somewhere else to find what attracts you. Think, feel, act, there is only that true. Not once but throughout your career. Live with your senses awake and follow your heart, it is essential to your wellbeing. A job for life now becomes a life full of jobs.
Six types of jobs that lead you to your dream job:
1. The first job in your favorite sector
The job through which you enter the active life in the sector that inspires you will not necessarily be your dream job. This is just a starting point for judging if you have taken the right direction. This very first job will teach you a lot about your career goals. You will also discover what your passions are.
You can dream as much as you want, it is only from the moment you actually work in the sector of your choice that you discover all aspects. Your first job opens you to other opportunities, and that’s how you get started.
2. The job that brings you good contacts
In a professional career, it is important to never break with your relationships. Every job you pick up will mean something in your career, even if a job does not please you at all. Through each experience, you will meet new people, inside and outside the company: they will allow you to broaden your knowledge, get a new job or to see an interesting career opportunity.
This is probably not the first job that will bring you the decisive connections, namely those that will launch your career for good. It is for this reason that it is better never to break the bridges. Your colleague can be promoted and suddenly become your boss. Even if you change jobs, you could still fall back years on an old professional contact, as a customer or supplier…
3. The job you do not like after a while
The concept of lifespan also applies to work. A job might be the one you are looking for today but not be in five years, just because we change and evolve as a person, and the job market changes as well.
In ten years, jobs that we do not suspect now will emerge. So there is nothing serious to discover after a few years that we no longer love our job that we no longer want to exercise it and we want to reorient ourselves. It simply means that you have just learned something new about yourself. This will bring you a little closer to the job that suits you perfectly.
4. The job that offers you opportunities for promotion
After gaining experience, the dream job you will land in the course of career. You’ve been working hard for a few years and wondering why you’re doing all these hours? Well, because at the end of the day you deserve it, your promotion will bring you closer to the job you want because it will bring you more experience.
Whether you are already working for the company of your dreams, or the promotion takes you directly to the job sought. Either this promotion boosts your climb and leads you to a fantastic offer from another company.
5. The job you hate
There will always be a job in your career that you will not like and that will make you doubt your professional choices. This job will make you think about the merits of these, and it is not necessarily bad. It is maturity that comes, an experience that teaches you how to face obstacles. In fact, it is an opportunity to look for your professional aspirations and your preferences in depth. A bad job does not mean that your career is over and you will lose in personal satisfaction. This is a sign that you need to take action and find a job that fulfills your career goals.
6. The job you leave for something better
Say you found the job you were looking for, you are far from imagining that one day you will leave it. However, this could happen if an opportunity that seems even more favorable to you comes. At that moment, you will be spoiled for choice; stay or leave.
In the past, we have been with our employer all our lives, but this is no longer the case today. Companies put their employees out of business when they are no longer suitable. In all prudence and intelligence, you will keep your career in your hands and make sure you maintain the interest of your profile in the job market. So you will be able to change jobs as soon as you like more.
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