Wishes Firework Show – A Spectacular Disney Dream Moment

Wishes Firework Show – A Spectacular Disney Dream Moment

November 8, 2016 Off By iCorridor Moments

If you go around the Magic Kingdom Park in Disney World Orlando, Florida, you will not miss the spectacular Wishes fireworks show.  The show usually starts at around 10 p.m. after the nighttime parade. If it is close to a special holiday like Christmas, there will be holiday-themed fireworks show. This magical show will definitely be an exceptional moment to delight your children with a combination of special light effects, a festival of music, stunning fireworks and the beloved Disney characters.

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Photographer: Jason Li

When is Disney Dreams?

They have firework show every night before the park closes. You can check the show time for a particular day from Disney World’s official website.

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Photographer: Jason Li

Do not expect to get a good seat

The show plays at the castle, so everyone wants to get a good seat. Increasingly, people arrive early and it becomes painful. At Christmas, for example, people arrive two hours in advance for it.

Best Locations to see the firework show

The Disney Tourist Blog suggests a list of best viewing locations for the Magic Kingdom fireworks. Due to crowds and other factors, finding good spots can be difficult.

Please find the recommended locations in the map below:

  1. Front and Centre
  2. Partners
  3. FastPass+ Viewing Areas
  4. “The Hump”
  5. Wishes Dessert Party (Tomorrowland Terrace)
  6. End of Main Street
  7. Main Street, USA Train Station
  8. Ticket & Transportation Centre Dock
  9. New Fantasyland Walls

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Photos from the Disney Tourist Blog

Don’t want to stand and wait?

If you are looking for an idea of eating dinner at a place where you could also see the fireworks,  you can consider a dinner at the Crystal Palace. Crystal Palace has a good buffet dinner with the Winnie the Pooh characters making the rounds, and you can away from the noise, crowds, and chill.

The Wishes fireworks show is the highlight of a trip to Walt Disney World. Everyone who visits the Magic Kingdom in Disney World Orlando will be impressed by this spectacular show.

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