11 Attitudes that will Make You Happy

11 Attitudes that will Make You Happy

May 12, 2017 Off By iCorridor Moments

Happiness is a state we try to pursue almost all the time. When one finds it, one enjoys it, when one loses it, one gets bored. Sometimes it runs away and we look for it; at other times, it settles in with us and we feel that it is wonderful. It seems that certain attitudes give you a taste for happiness.

  1. Dare to – Having audacity is the only way to improve one’s life. Even if it is scary, you have to “get out of your comfort zone” and dare to go to a person or people, ask for an explanation, share what you think or feel, try out this new activity, and so on. Before daring, we have the stage fright. Afterwards, we are proud to have acted, even if the results are less convincing than we hoped.
  2. Go down and go up – Are you at the bottom of the barrel? Do not try to get out too fast. Enjoy every moment, even those who struggle or annoy you. Then, when you take the time to analyze, give yourself a little push up. All that goes down goes back.
  3. Give – Giving is not necessarily giving money; it is also giving time, a flower, a compliment, its affection, its presence to the other. There are a thousand ways of giving. That said, being generous does not mean forgetting one’s own needs: no need to turn into Teresa’s mother.
  4. Bind yourself – Maintaining relationships with friends, family, colleagues is good for mental health. If we are over 40, we will tend to suggest speaking verbally rather than “texter”, but “texter” or “facebooker” is also to be in communication with loved ones. You just need to learn how to balance your passions, and do not forget to disconnect from technology and people once in a while.
  5. Move – We all heard it and we all said: doing sports, including running, allows the brain to release the endorphins and to the good humor to occur. If you are not good at sporting, no panic, just walking is already good for morale.
  6. Focus – Joy would be in the flow, a mental state that is reached when one is completely absorbed by an activity. It is in these moments that time is no longer seen. We forget the time; it is a form of happiness!
  7. Contemplate – Getting out of oneself and taking time to observe people, places, nature is another way to cultivate happiness. It is about paying attention to others and to what is around you: she has a new dress, she looks fit since he took a vacation, and the lilacs are there, and so on.
  8. Learning – We sometimes have in our heads that learning is done when we are young, when we go to school, and then it is over. Now, all his life, one learns whether one likes it or not. Learning provides great pleasure, just remember it.
  9. Decide – “Happiness is a decision we take to be happy no matter what happens,” wrote André Maurois. This is a phrase we can repeat on occasion.
  10. See away – To be happy, the idea of ​​contributing to something bigger than oneself is important.
  11. Welcoming – Finally, it is a question of accepting oneself as one is, and of ceasing to think that one should be more kind, polite, perfect, sympathetic, attentive, and productive, than one is. Sometimes you just have to be and do nothing.

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